Hi Friends,
WARNING: this is a "Debby Downer" kind of post. I'm sorry :( But I can't let a month go by without linking up to Farley, so here goes...
So if you've been following this blog for a while, you know that we've had some trying times in my house in the past month or so. The hubs got an infection in his leg that just wouldn't go away. Infections are nasty beasts, I'm learning. To make a long story short, everything that could've gone wrong, pretty much has gone wrong. He's had surgery twice (the latest one being this past Thursday) and has been the hospital three times for a total of 16 days... so far. He's there right now. The doctors are "taking it day by day" (UGH! For real?!?!), so I don't know when he will get out. I'm really hoping it's tomorrow, because my son will be having surgery on Monday to remove a cyst/cleft on his ear that he was born with (for the third time!), and I really don't want to sit in the waiting room by myself. Oh, and did I mention we have an open house for our house tomorrow? So I've been in clean up mode for the last 2 days. Why didn't I cancel it, you say? I don't know. Maybe I feel guilty that our realtor has been advertising it. Oh, I also didn't mention that the hubs' last day of work at his old school was on Friday, so I went in there to pack up all his personal stuff... like I really know what's his and what stays?
One thing I am so thankful for is our family and friends. My mom left work early to come and watch my kids on Thursday so I could go to the hospital. She packed them up and drove 45 minutes to take my son to hockey practice. Our friends have been watching them for me during the day, bringing us food, cutting the grass (because, don't forget, I'm still dealing with my dislocated shoulder, and I still can't do any heavy lifting), feeding and letting the dog out... I have people I would have never expected offering to take my kids or help out in other ways. I am surely feeling blessed during this time of craziness.
I must say, if you ever know someone who's having a tough time, offer to make them food. It sounds silly and cliche, but I can't tell you how much of a relief it is that my fridge is packed with tasty, healthy food, and all I have to do is heat and serve.
Farley's blogging advice really struck me today. I've been in a blogging funk. Probably because of all of this crazy nonsense I'm dealing with. She says "if you don't feel it, don't do it." Sorry, friends, but I haven't been feeling it lately. I do post pics on Instagram though, if you're really curious as to what I've been doing lately. Like getting stuck on a broken-down zoo train. That was fun... My advice is to be yourself. No one likes a faker. Or as Farley puts it, a Robo-Blogger. Hahaha!!
By the way, does anyone want to go to Cabo San Lucas? The hubs and I were supposed to go July 6th-July 13th, and we didn't think he should go with an 8" hole in his leg. No, I'm not exaggerating. I wish I were. We were supposed to be staying in one of the Top 5 resorts in Cabo through our time share. They won't do a refund or allow an exchange because this is a rescheduled trip from last year. Any takers? Seriously.
We will most likely be dealing with this all summer. He will need a skin graft, and I hear those are painful.
I'm not trying to make people feel sorry for me... this is just what's been CURRENTLY going on over here.
Well, as it says above, I need a nap. I don't sleep well when he's not here. My babies are CURRENTLY napping, so I should probably go do that too.
WARNING: this is a "Debby Downer" kind of post. I'm sorry :( But I can't let a month go by without linking up to Farley, so here goes...
So if you've been following this blog for a while, you know that we've had some trying times in my house in the past month or so. The hubs got an infection in his leg that just wouldn't go away. Infections are nasty beasts, I'm learning. To make a long story short, everything that could've gone wrong, pretty much has gone wrong. He's had surgery twice (the latest one being this past Thursday) and has been the hospital three times for a total of 16 days... so far. He's there right now. The doctors are "taking it day by day" (UGH! For real?!?!), so I don't know when he will get out. I'm really hoping it's tomorrow, because my son will be having surgery on Monday to remove a cyst/cleft on his ear that he was born with (for the third time!), and I really don't want to sit in the waiting room by myself. Oh, and did I mention we have an open house for our house tomorrow? So I've been in clean up mode for the last 2 days. Why didn't I cancel it, you say? I don't know. Maybe I feel guilty that our realtor has been advertising it. Oh, I also didn't mention that the hubs' last day of work at his old school was on Friday, so I went in there to pack up all his personal stuff... like I really know what's his and what stays?
One thing I am so thankful for is our family and friends. My mom left work early to come and watch my kids on Thursday so I could go to the hospital. She packed them up and drove 45 minutes to take my son to hockey practice. Our friends have been watching them for me during the day, bringing us food, cutting the grass (because, don't forget, I'm still dealing with my dislocated shoulder, and I still can't do any heavy lifting), feeding and letting the dog out... I have people I would have never expected offering to take my kids or help out in other ways. I am surely feeling blessed during this time of craziness.
I must say, if you ever know someone who's having a tough time, offer to make them food. It sounds silly and cliche, but I can't tell you how much of a relief it is that my fridge is packed with tasty, healthy food, and all I have to do is heat and serve.
Farley's blogging advice really struck me today. I've been in a blogging funk. Probably because of all of this crazy nonsense I'm dealing with. She says "if you don't feel it, don't do it." Sorry, friends, but I haven't been feeling it lately. I do post pics on Instagram though, if you're really curious as to what I've been doing lately. Like getting stuck on a broken-down zoo train. That was fun... My advice is to be yourself. No one likes a faker. Or as Farley puts it, a Robo-Blogger. Hahaha!!
By the way, does anyone want to go to Cabo San Lucas? The hubs and I were supposed to go July 6th-July 13th, and we didn't think he should go with an 8" hole in his leg. No, I'm not exaggerating. I wish I were. We were supposed to be staying in one of the Top 5 resorts in Cabo through our time share. They won't do a refund or allow an exchange because this is a rescheduled trip from last year. Any takers? Seriously.
We will most likely be dealing with this all summer. He will need a skin graft, and I hear those are painful.
I'm not trying to make people feel sorry for me... this is just what's been CURRENTLY going on over here.
Well, as it says above, I need a nap. I don't sleep well when he's not here. My babies are CURRENTLY napping, so I should probably go do that too.