Friday Freebie: Letters to Santa

This month we've been focusing on letter writing. We are doing our own version of the Flat Stanley Project to practice letter writing and to support our geography unit in Social Studies.

We sing a song to help us remember the parts of a letter. I stole this song from my teammate, who I think found it somewhere on the Internet:
(sung to the tune of the Addams Family)

There are five parts to a letter
They're easy to remember:
Heading, Greeting, Body
Closing, Signature!
Parts of a letter!
(clap clap)
Parts of a letter!
(clap clap)
Parts of a letter,
Parts of a letter,
Parts of a letter!
(clap clap)

There are also hand motions we do with the song :)

Next week, to continue our letter writing extravaganza, here is a template to write a letter to Santa. "Santa?! I KNOW HIM!!!" I am super excited to be able to use some of the loot I picked up at the TPT Cyber Monday & Tuesday sale as well! Anyway, the template comes in color and black and white. Click on any image to download.


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