We sing a song to help us remember the parts of a letter. I stole this song from my teammate, who I think found it somewhere on the Internet:
(sung to the tune of the Addams Family)
There are five parts to a letter
They're easy to remember:
Heading, Greeting, Body
Closing, Signature!
Parts of a letter!
(clap clap)
Parts of a letter!
(clap clap)
Parts of a letter,
Parts of a letter,
Parts of a letter!
(clap clap)
There are also hand motions we do with the song :)
Next week, to continue our letter writing extravaganza, here is a template to write a letter to Santa. "Santa?! I KNOW HIM!!!" I am super excited to be able to use some of the loot I picked up at the TPT Cyber Monday & Tuesday sale as well! Anyway, the template comes in color and black and white. Click on any image to download.

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