Sunday Morning Mussings

Hi everyone! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to check in to share a few random nuggets :)

Remember that Mighty Math blog giveaway?
Your sweet comments really made my heart sing! The giveaway ended on Thanksgiving, so you're probably wondering who the winners are...

Drum roll please.....

Congrats to....

Chelsea and Samantha!!!!!!

I emailed you ladies last night :)

I also want to say thanks to all of you who read and follow my blog. I feel like I've let you down these past few months, but I promise that I will get back into the swing of things in December. Because not everyone could win the Mighty Math pack, I made this little ditty to share:
Click on it! IT'S FREE!!
We were learning about contractions last week, and the kiddos LOVE Scoot! It has a snowman theme because there's a really awesome Contractions video on Brain Pop Jr. Do you or your school have a subscription to Brain Pop Jr.? My kiddos LOVE Annie and Moby!!!

Soooo.... maybe you've heard that there's a little sale going on tomorrow and Tuesday at TPT? Well guess who has two thumbs and is participating? THIS GIRL!
Is your cart ready??? My cart overflow-eth. Shhh... don't tell the hubs :)

1 comment

  1. OMG!!!! Can you hear me all the way in Texas!!! This is so great!! THANK YOU I just check my email and was so surprised!!
    Chelsea :D


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